Most of the time, Dr. Perez and the team at Times Square Family Dental are able to repair even the most decayed or broken teeth, but in some cases, a tooth may simply be beyond the point of saving. In this situation, we’ll recommend a tooth extraction, and then we’ll do everything we can to make the experience as comfortable as possible. Combining a gentle touch with local anesthetic and sedation dentistry, Dr. Perez is often able to remove a tooth without a patient even realizing he’s done it.
Thankfully, whenever we extract a tooth, we never actually pull it. If the tooth has already erupted, we numb the area, and then we gently rock it back and forth until it slides out on its own. During the procedure, most patients will describe a feeling of pressure, but nothing resembling pain. They often can’t tell the moment the tooth actually comes out because Dr. Perez is so skilled. By the time a patient feels that their tooth is gone, the procedure is already over.
Dr. Perez may recommend a tooth extraction if:
The wisdom teeth are a third set of molars that typically try to come in around the late teens or early twenties. The keyword is try, because in many cases, they become stuck and push on the nearby teeth, creating pain and crowding. The best way to address this problem is to simply remove these teeth, which Dr. Perez can do in our Tyler dental office and save local families from having to visit a specialist.
Learn More About Wisdom Teeth Extractions
Not necessarily. The reality is most of the time the mouth is not large enough to accommodate an additional one to four teeth. This results in crowding and a higher risk for infection. If our office is recommending that you have your wisdom teeth removed, it’s because you’re more likely to run into dental problems later if you do not. Furthermore, wisdom teeth only become more difficult to extract the longer you wait, which is why we typically recommend it as soon as we notice the potential for problems in the future.
Once the tooth is removed, a blood clot will begin to form over the newly created tooth socket. This is normal and it is very important that you protect it as you undergo the recovery process. In the event this blood clot becomes loose and falls off, it can expose the gum and lead to dry socket. This is a painful, yet easily preventable issue that harms the healing process. Once your anesthesia wears off, you may notice some minor soreness and light bleeding over the next 24 hours. This is expected and will clear up on its own over the next couple of days.
The best way to ensure a smooth recovery process is to follow all instructions provided by Dr. Perez. A few of these tips include:
In the event your discomfort does not go away after about four hours, give our office a call immediately. The most common signs that an infection has developed include the following:
If there are gaps in your smile, neighboring teeth can begin to shift out of place relatively quickly. This can negatively affect your bite and weaken the structure of your bone tissue. While bridges and dentures can work to prevent shifting teeth, dental implants do that as well as protect the structure of your bone tissue and prevent future breakdown of your jaw.