Whether you’re missing one tooth or several, having holes in your smile can make it difficult to complete basic daily tasks such as speaking and eating. Countless Americans suffer from tooth loss due to a variety of reasons, including poor hygiene, genetics, and accidents. Unfortunately, missing teeth are a problem that many people have to deal with in their lifetime, which is why our goal at Times Square Family Dental is to prevent this issue from affecting your day-to-day life. We offer completely customized and durable dental bridges that can replace consecutive missing teeth to restore your smile. That way, you can continue to live your life without feeling self-conscious about the gaps between your teeth.
Dental bridges are meant to replace the structure of missing teeth by literally bridging the gap between your natural existing teeth. The restoration itself consists of two dental crowns that hold one or more artificial teeth in place. These are typically made from customizable and natural-looking materials such as ceramic or porcelain. The crowns are placed over the surface of your existing teeth to anchor the replacements in place. Because they’re made to match the color of your teeth, bridges easily blend in with your smile.
In order to place the restoration, your cosmetic dentist needs to prepare your existing teeth to receive the crowns by removing a small amount of their outermost layer. This way, the bridge will fit securely in place and lay even and flush with your surrounding teeth. For patients who want to skip this part of the process, we also offer implant-retained bridges that can be anchored to titanium posts beneath the gums instead of existing healthy teeth.
Dental bridges offer a variety of benefits to our patients, which is why we typically recommend them. Here are some advantages you’ll be able to enjoy when you replace your missing teeth:
Even if you’re missing a single tooth, when this problem is left untreated, it can have huge effects on your oral health down the road. A gap in your smile provides a perfect hideout for harmful substances to accumulate, such as food debris, plaque, and bacteria. These are all known to play an important role in the formation of oral health problems such as cavities and gum disease, which can result in the loss of additional teeth. When you replace your missing teeth, not only will you be improving your quality of life, but you’ll also be preserving the rest of your smile.