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Times Square Family Dental Blog

3 Non-Invasive Ways to Enhance Your Smile

March 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — timessquare @ 10:20 pm
a patient smiling while visiting their dentist

Of all of your physical attributes, few are as important as your smile—it’s the feature that allows you to make positive and impactful first impressions, letting you lead a fulfilling social life! However, if you aren’t happy with your pearly whites, you might be hoping that you can improve their look without having to endure a lengthy, costly, or invasive procedure. Here’s more from your trusted dentist about some popular, minimally invasive cosmetic treatment options.


Can You Get Cavities During Invisalign Treatment?

January 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — timessquare @ 10:07 pm
dentist putting an aligner on a model of your teeth

Invisalign trays can do a lot for your teeth. They’re able to give you straighter teeth and address bite issues just like traditional braces but without the need for wires and brackets.

While you’re wearing them, you might feel like you have a little plastic shield protecting your teeth from harm. However, oral health problems like tooth decay can still affect your teeth during your Invisalign treatment. If you want to know why that is, and what you can do about it, here’s a guide that may be able to help you.


How Dental Implants Can Help You Enjoy the Holiday Season

November 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — timessquare @ 7:26 pm

The holiday season is full of festivities. From tables spread with holiday treats to visits with special loved ones, this season is looked forward to by many. But if you are one of the 120 million Americans who are missing teeth, the celebrations can be dampened when your smile and bite are incomplete. Fortunately, dental implants are an amazing tooth-replacement option. Read on to learn how investing in implants can help you make the most out of this season!


3 Reasons Why Cosmetic Dentistry Won’t Hurt

October 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — timessquare @ 11:59 pm
Attractive Young Adult Smiling

People who fear the dentist usually do so because of the pain they imagine to be involved in dental procedures. However, by neglecting your teeth you may be enduring a lot of unpleasant feelings for the rest of your life. Shame and insecurity about your smile can stop you from chasing the things that make you happiest. If you’ve been avoiding the dentist because of pain, there’s good news: most cosmetic dentistry doesn’t result in any irritation at all. Here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t let your fear stop you from pursuing your smile goals.


Should You Get a Dental Bridge or a Partial Denture?

September 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — timessquare @ 3:24 pm
A dentist showing the difference between partial dentures and dental bridges

A dental implant may not cut you if you’re missing a few teeth in a row. After all, that treatment can only replace pearly whites one at a time. Rather, it might be better to get a partial denture or dental bridge. Either one could do a decent job of restoring your smile! That said, perhaps you don’t know the difference between partial dentures and dental bridges. Luckily, your Tyler dentist is here to explain. Read on to learn how partial dentures and bridges differ from one another.


What Other Materials Can Dental Veneers Be Made Of?

August 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — timessquare @ 7:36 pm
patient getting dental veneers in Tyler

If you want to improve one or more teeth, then dental veneers are the most comprehensive and effective treatment you can get. Not only will they provide a virtually permanent whitening solution, but they’ll also create your dream smile that can last 15 years or more with proper care. However, you may be wondering what these cosmetic layers will be made out of. Read on to learn about the types of materials veneers can be constructed from to help you determine which is right for your teeth!


Can Adults Benefit from Dental Sealants?

July 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — timessquare @ 8:28 pm
Computer image of dental sealants.

When it comes to maintaining a healthy smile, regular oral hygiene is crucial. But even if you’re diligent about brushing and flossing, your teeth are still susceptible to decay—especially your molars, as their grooves and crevices can easily trap food particles, debris, and bacteria that will destroy your enamel! But fortunately, dental sealants are an excellent solution for covering these teeth and helping to prevent cavities. That said, some patients falsely believe that these sealants are only suitable for children! Keep reading to learn more from your dentist about dental sealants and some of the ways they can help adults.


Watch Out for These Sneaky Signs of Dehydration This Summer

June 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — timessquare @ 11:25 pm
Woman drinking from a water bottle during summer.

What’s on your to-do list this summer? Are you planning to spend your days out and about, enjoying the nice warm weather? Or are you a fan of relaxing and lounging by the poolside? No matter what you’ve got going on this season, something you’ll want to do is drink enough water! Not only is drinking enough water crucial for staying hydrated, but it also greatly benefits your oral health. That said, sometimes the signs of dehydration aren’t always obvious. Keep reading to learn more from your dentist about the importance of hydration and some of the hard-to-detect signs of dehydration.


Top 3 Cosmetic Dental Treatments To Get For Summer!

April 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — timessquare @ 6:42 pm
woman smiling with white teeth in summer

With summer just around the corner, most people want to make sure they look their best while having fun in the sun! Other than picking out your outfits for a visit to the beach, you might also consider improving your pearly whites. But which dental procedures will get you your dream smile? Keep reading from your cosmetic dentist in Tyler as they suggest three treatments that would be perfect for summertime.


3 Reasons to Invest Your Tax Refund into Your Smile

March 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — timessquare @ 6:13 pm
woman with piggy bank pointing to her smile

Tax Day is coming up next month! If you’re like many people, you’ve already filed your taxes out of an eagerness to receive your refund. While it may be tempting to splurge this money on a new TV or something else frivolous, why not make an investment that will pay off in the future? One easy way to do that is to spend your tax return on improving your oral health. Here are three reasons why investing your tax refund into your dental care can pay enormous dividends down the road!

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