Invisalign can be a magnificent way to straighten your smile, and summer can be a fantastic time to start treatment. While spring is often a busy time of year at work and school and fall is wrapped up with the start of the new school year and the holiday season, summer is often a more relaxed time of year that is great for making changes. Here’s why this hottest of seasons is a great opportunity to begin the Invisalign process.
Summer Can Bring Flexibility
If you’ve been in school all year, you’ve certainly been looking forward to taking a break from homework and studying for the summer, and if you’re in the professional world, you may have some vacation time coming up. In either case, you have some time free of your usual stressors on your hands.
Why not take the opportunity to begin Invisalign treatment? Without the other things distracting you, you can spend more energy on keeping up with your treatment and getting used to your new hygiene regimen. By the time you go back to work or school, you’ll have all the habits of a successful Invisalign treatment in place.
Summer Gives You Time to Adjust
While Invisalign is a smoother and more comfortable orthodontic treatment than traditional braces, the process of gradually moving teeth into better positions is still somewhat stressful. Since you have to get used to the pressure Invisalign clear aligners put on your teeth when you first start wearing them, it may be better to start treatment when you have a few days off ahead of you. This will give you time to adjust so that any slight discomfort you experience won’t distract you from important business.
Enjoying the Summer Barbeque
Summer is one of the tastiest times of the year, and the traditional foods for this season include meat on the bone, corn on the cob, popsicles, and many other delicious items that people wearing conventional braces are not allowed to eat. Invisalign clear aligners, on the other hand, are designed to be removed during meals, allowing patients to enjoy whatever foods they like. This means that you can start Invisalign in June and enjoy everything the Fourth of July cookout has to offer.
Invisalign is a great way to enjoy a straighter smile, and summer is a great time to start treatment. A consultation with your dentist can determine if Invisalign is right for you.
About the Author
Dr. Javier Perez earned his dental degree from UCLA and continues his education through postdoctoral coursework. He is proud to serve in the U.S. Army National Guard with the rank of Major. His office in Tyler, TX, offers general, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry as well as Invisalign treatments. To book a consultation for Invisalign, contact his office online or dial (903) 534-8110.